Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blogging is my New Goal in 2009

Since I have enjoyed my cousin Tori's blog spot so much I figured I would give it a shot in 2009. If nothing else it will give me a reason to try and do something exciting with my life because who really wants to hear about my recent obsession with Heroes? As I wasn't a champ of keeping up to date with our family blog "the Tub Tub club" this might prove to be more then a bit of a challenge for me. I will do my best Auntie Terri, but you know how that goes. I will do my best because I know that my mother always wants to know what is going on in Sly's life (LOL)

I am going to post this short message and send out the website so I am looking forward to blogging again soon!!


Torikay said...

I am so happy you are blogging!!! Can't wait to hear about you and Sly's adventures!!

Bristol said...

YAY! another fellow blogger! :)